A continuació es mostra la documentació transclosa de la subpàgina /ús. [salta a la caixa de codi]
Transliteració de l’alfabet tifinag (Tfng) usat per llengües amazigues (ber). Actualment operatiu per l’amazic marroquí (zgh).
local p = {}
local t2l_common = {
["ⴰ"] = "a", -- IRCAM
["ⴱ"] = "b", -- IRCAM
["ⴲ"] = "b",
["ⴳ"] = "g", -- IRCAM
["ⴴ"] = "g",
["ⴵ"] = "ǧ",
["ⴶ"] = "ǧ",
["ⴷ"] = "d", -- IRCAM
["ⴸ"] = "d",
["ⴹ"] = "ḍ", -- IRCAM
["ⴺ"] = "ḍ",
["ⴻ"] = "e", -- IRCAM
["ⴼ"] = "f", -- IRCAM
["ⴽ"] = "k", -- IRCAM
["ⴾ"] = "k",
["ⴿ"] = "k",
["ⵀ"] = "h", -- IRCAM; tmh, thv, taq, ttq, thz: "b"
["ⵁ"] = "h",
["ⵂ"] = "h",
["ⵃ"] = "ḥ", -- IRCAM
["ⵄ"] = "ɛ", -- IRCAM
["ⵅ"] = "x", -- IRCAM
["ⵆ"] = "x",
["ⵇ"] = "q", -- IRCAM
["ⵈ"] = "q",
["ⵉ"] = "i", -- IRCAM
["ⵊ"] = "j", -- IRCAM
["ⵋ"] = "j", -- Múrcia: ẓ̌
["ⵌ"] = "j",
["ⵍ"] = "l", -- IRCAM
["ⵎ"] = "m", -- IRCAM
["ⵏ"] = "n", -- IRCAM
["ⵐ"] = "ny",
["ⵑ"] = "ng",
["ⵒ"] = "p", -- foreignisms
["ⵓ"] = "u", -- IRCAM; tmh, thv, taq, ttq, thz: "w"
["ⵔ"] = "r", -- IRCAM
["ⵕ"] = "ṛ", -- IRCAM
["ⵖ"] = "ɣ", -- IRCAM
["ⵗ"] = "ɣ",
["ⵘ"] = "j", -- thz: "ɣ"
["ⵙ"] = "s", -- IRCAM
["ⵚ"] = "ṣ", -- IRCAM
["ⵛ"] = "c", -- IRCAM, enwiki: š
["ⵜ"] = "t", -- IRCAM
["ⵝ"] = "t",
["ⵞ"] = "č",
["ⵟ"] = "ṭ", -- IRCAM
["ⵠ"] = "v", -- foreignisms
["ⵡ"] = "w", -- IRCAM
["ⵢ"] = "y", -- IRCAM
["ⵣ"] = "z", -- IRCAM
["ⵤ"] = "z",
["ⵥ"] = "ẓ", -- IRCAM
["ⵦ"] = "e",
["ⵧ"] = "o",
["ⵯ"] = "ʷ", -- IRCAM
["⵰"] = ".",
["⵿"] = "",
local t2l_alt = {
["tmh"] = {
["ⵀ"] = "b",
["ⵓ"] = "w",
["thz"] = {
["ⵀ"] = "b",
["ⵓ"] = "w",
["ⵘ"] = "ɣ",
t2l_alt["thv"] = t2l_alt["tmh"]
t2l_alt["taq"] = t2l_alt["tmh"]
t2l_alt["ttq"] = t2l_alt["tmh"]
function p.tr(text, lang, sc)
if not sc then
sc = "Tfng"
if sc == "Arab" then
-- perhaps will be implemented in the future
text = nil
elseif sc == "Latn" then
-- no need to transliterate
text = nil
elseif sc == "Tfng" then
if lang and t2l_alt[lang] then
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '.', t2l_alt[lang])
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '.', t2l_common)
return text
return p