
  • Pronúncia:
    • (adverbi) /aʊtˈraɪt/
    • (adjectiu, verb) /ˈaʊtraɪt/

Adverbi modifica

outright ‎(no comparable)

  1. francament, directament
    I asked him outright if there was anything going on between them and he said "no"
  2. completament, totalment
    The prime minister rejected the proposal outright
  3. immediatament
    Luckily he didn't suffer. He was killed outright

Sinònims modifica

Adjectiu modifica

outright ‎(no comparable)

  1. total
    That's an outright lie!
    Should there be an outright ban on cloning in Europe?

Sinònims modifica

Vegeu també modifica