A continuació es mostra la documentació transclosa de la subpàgina /ús. [salta a la caixa de codi]
Mòdul de suport per la plantilla {{rom-entrada}}. Fa les mateixes funcions que Mòdul:lema/plantilles amb la inclusió de transliteracions ortogràfiques segons Viccionari:Alfabet romaní i desenvolupades a Mòdul:rom-trans.
local p = {}
local lang = {code = "rom", name = "romaní", sc = "Latn"}
local data = {lang = lang, heads = {}, genders = {}, categories = {}, inflections = {}}
-- Versió de Mòdul:lema/plantilles adaptada al romaní
function p.entrada(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
data.sort_key = args.ordre; if data.sort_key == "" then data.sort_key = nil end
data.sc = args.sc or lang.sc
-- Gather headwords
local head = args.pagename or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
data.heads[1] = args.entrada or args.lema or args.pagename or ''
-- Check spelling
if data.sc == "Latn" then
local Mtr = require("Mòdul:rom-trans")
local sp = Mtr.spelling(head)
if sp == "ac" or sp == "ang" then
return "Per a ortografia alternativa a la internacional, useu {{rom-alt}}."
local sp_ac = args.ac or Mtr.academic(head)
local sp_ang = args.ang or Mtr.anglicized(head)
local sp_is_noacc = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.toNFD(head), mw.ustring.char(0x0300), "") -- grave
local sp_ac_noacc = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.toNFD(sp_ac), mw.ustring.char(0x0301), "") -- acute
if sp_ac_noacc ~= sp_is_noacc then
table.insert(data.heads, "[[" .. sp_ac .. "]]")
if sp_ang ~= sp_is_noacc and sp_ang ~= sp_ac_noacc then
table.insert(data.heads, "[[" .. sp_ang .. "]]")
if #data.heads > 1 then
data.heads[#data.heads] = data.heads[#data.heads] .. " <sup><small>[[Viccionari:Alfabet romaní|(<strong>i</strong>)]]</small></sup>"
-- Gather gender and number specifications
-- Iterate over all gn parameters (g2, g3 and so on) until one is empty
local g = args.g; if g == "" then g = nil end
local i = 2
while g do
table.insert(data.genders, g)
g = args["g" .. i]; if g == "" then g = nil end
i = i + 1
-- Part-of-speech category
local langcat = " en " .. data.lang.name
local pos = args[1]; if pos == "" then pos = nil end
local cat = args.cat; if cat == "" then cat = nil end
if cat then
table.insert(data.categories, cat .. langcat)
elseif pos then
-- Make the plural form of the part of speech
local pos_abrev = {["abr"]="abreviatures", ["adv"]="adverbis", ["adj"]="adjectius", ["conj"]="conjuncions",
["interj"]="interjeccions", ["nom"]="substantius", ["num"]="numerals", ["prep"]="preposicions", ["pron"]="pronoms"}
local pos_loc = {["adverbis"]="adverbials", ["adjectius"]="adjectivals", ["conjuncions"]="conjuntives",
["interjeccions"]="interjectives", ["preposicions"]="prepositives", ["substantius"]="nominals", ["verbs"]="verbals"}
local form = string.find(pos, "-forma", -6, true)
local loc = string.find(head, "[^ ] [^ ]")
if form then
pos = string.sub(pos, 1, form - 1)
if pos_abrev[pos] then
pos = pos_abrev[pos]
pos, _ = require("Mòdul:ca-lema").forma_plural_nominal(pos, "-")
if loc and pos_loc[pos] then
if form then
pos = "Formes de locucions " .. pos_loc[pos]
pos = "Locucions " .. pos_loc[pos]
elseif form then
if pos == "verbs" then
pos = "Formes verbals"
elseif string.find(pos, "^[aeiou]") then
pos = "Formes d'" .. pos
pos = "Formes de " .. pos
pos = string.upper(string.sub(pos, 1, 1)) .. string.sub(pos, 2)
table.insert(data.categories, pos .. langcat)
-- Additional categories
if args.cat2 then
table.insert(data.categories, args.cat2 .. langcat)
if args.cat3 then
table.insert(data.categories, args.cat3 .. langcat)
-- Inflected forms
local i = 1
local label = args[i * 2]
local accel = args["f" .. i .. "accel"]; if accel == "" then accel = nil end
local parts = {label = label, accel = accel}
while label do
local term = args[i * 2 + 1]; if term == "" then term = nil end
local alt = args["f" .. i .. "alt"]; if alt == "" then alt = nil end
local sc = args["f" .. i .. "sc"]; if sc == "" then sc = nil end
local id = args["f" .. i .. "id"]; if id == "" then id = nil end
local gender = args["f" .. i .. "g"]; if gender == "" then gender = nil end
local qualifier = args["f" .. i .. "qual"]; if qualifier == "" then qualifier = nil end
local nolink = args["f" .. i .. "nolink"]; if nolink == "" then nolink = nil end
if term or alt then
table.insert(parts, {term = term, alt = alt, sc = sc, id = id, translit = translit, genders = {gender}, qualifiers = {qualifier}, nolink = nolink})
i = i + 1
label = args[i * 2]
accel = args["f" .. i .. "accel"]; if accel == "" then accel = nil end
-- If the next label is not "or" then insert the previous one and create a new one.
if label ~= "o" then
-- Only insert if the previous label is not empty.
if (parts.label or "") ~= "" then
table.insert(data.inflections, parts)
parts = {label = label, accel = accel}
return require("Module:lema").full_headword(data)
function p.spelling(frame)
local spelling_type = {
['ac'] = 'grafia acadèmica', ['pv'] = 'grafia acadèmica',
['ang'] = 'grafia anglicitzada', ['en'] = 'grafia anglicitzada'
local args = frame:getParent().args
local spelling_abbrev = args[1] or ""
local title = args[2]
local gloss_text = args[3]
local spelling_text = spelling_type[spelling_abbrev] or "grafia " .. spelling_abbrev
local terminfo = {term = title, lang = lang, gloss = gloss_text}
local sp_lang = {}
sp_lang.code = spelling_text == 'grafia acadèmica' and "rom-x-pv" or "en"
local categories = require("Mòdul:utilitats").format_categories({"Romaní amb " .. spelling_text}, sp_lang)
return require("Module:forma flexionada").format_t(spelling_text .. " de ", terminfo, categories)
return p